3 Months To Optimise Your Fertility

3 Months To Optimise Your Fertility

Did you know that both sperm and egg development and maturation takes about 3 months?

Did you know that a follicle is called on to go through its final stage of development about 3 months before ovulation? During this time, your egg needs optimal nutrition to prepare for ovulation. Your egg is also very susceptible to inflammation, oxidative damage and environmental toxins at this time.

Did you know that a single sperm takes about 2.5-3 months to fully mature? During this time, the dietary, lifestyle and supplement modifications that you make will result in a significant impact on the sperm that you “use” in 3 months’ time.

This means that if you’re planning on getting pregnant, you should start your dietary and lifestyle changes at least 3 months beforehand. If you have a bit more time on your hands, you should start 6-12 months ahead of time to work on:
✅ A fertility focused nutritious diet
✅ A regular, fun & enjoyable exercise regimen
✅ Mindfulness
✅ An overhaul of your personal care products to ensure that they’re all clean
✅ Balancing your hormones to ensure regular ovulation
✅ Managing your stress

I’d love to work with you to help you start preparing for your fertility journey if you’re planning on getting pregnant or have had your cycle cancelled over the last month. Reach out if you’re interested in working with me or need a referral to someone closer to your neighbourhood.5



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